Posts Tagged ‘Federal Courthouse Eugene’

4295 Calliope Painting a sign, 4-29-17

April 29, 2017…Granddaughter Calliope helps to paint her Mom’s sign for the Climate Rally in Eugene, Oregon.  (In solidarity with People’s Climate March in DC and nationally.)

This is her protest sign, the one she made herself. I’m so proud of her. At four years of age, this is already her third protest.

5135 Every gallon you burn, 4-29-17

I don’t know if many people are aware of it, but when you burn a gallon of gas when driving, you are producing 20 pounds of carbon dioxide. If this bothers you as much as it does me, try having a car-free day each week. We started that about 10 years ago and actually got as high as 50% car-free days. That’s an average of 3 1/2 days each week using either a bicycle, walking, or staying at home. When I think about the planet that my generation will be giving to my kids and grandkids, I’m very ready to sacrifice a little to help their future out.

The following video was taken at the 350Eugene Climate Rally on the steps of The Federal Building in Eugene Oregon, April 29, 2017.

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