Archive for the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ Category

Thank you for the nomination Byzantine Flowers.  I am honored and humbled by this award.  I’m not sure if I belong in this class of writers.  My wife says I have my own style.  I’ll take that as a compliment and leave it at that.

So here’s how it works:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Add The One Lovely Blog Award to your post.
  • Share 7 things about yourself.
  • Pass the award on up to 15 nominees.
  • Include this set of rules.
  • Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs

7  Things about myself:

1.  I’ve been happily married over 40 years to my best friend who is also a good cook, hard worker, and has a high tolerance for imperfection.

2.  While growing up,  I didn’t have a grandfather on either side, now I am one, almost 3 times…just waiting for the call.

3.  I’m a newbie beekeeper…not for the honey, but to provide a place for them to live in a poison-free habitat.

4.  As a veggie gardener for many years, flowers were considered competition for water and space…now any bee-loving flower that might grow here is welcome in our garden, no questions asked.

5.  We live on the Oregon Coast where the average annual rainfall is 60 inches (over 1500 millimeters)

6.  I love to take pictures and videos of bees, butterflies, and basically anything that moves in the garden.

7.  I’m obsessive about my stats.

I’d like to pass the award onto these great bloggers…

1.  Eddy and Gosia are in the process of building a straw bale house in Poland.  This reads like a novel in which you can actually communicate with the characters.

2. So much information can be learned here.  She has a lovely way of writing.  Emily Heath and Emma Tennant (below)  are partners in beekeeping. I hope I got that right.

3, Emma  Tennant  is a partner with Emily in the beekeeping venture in London.  Both of them write separate very informative blogs and always reply to comments.

4. Joanna appreciates nature and writes about it.

5.  He takes perfect flower photos.

6. The Backyard Beekeeper.  The Backyard is in the suburbs of Denver, CO. We live in small house with a small yard. The apiary consists of one bee hive (a top bar hive) inside a mini greenhouse set in the back corner of the yard, and another hive (Warré) in plain sight, set in a border garden.

7. Shelley Burbank lives in Maine where she writes about things like localism, style, community, nature, literature, friendship, and our connection to the earth and each other.  One heck of a writer.

8. Shane writes about using coffee grounds in your garden, sustainable living, and composting…my favorite subjects.

9. She just moved onto a neglected farm and writes about the adventures of living on it.

10. Permaculture on a Small Scale

11. This blog is about the adventure of foraging for food. Scrumped fruit, gathered greens and mushrooms, fish and shellfish from the sea, hunted animals, and a little bit of home-grown veg, beekeeping and country wine making thrown in.

12. Trying to raise awareness & share information about ecology, biodiversity and what gardeners can do to attract more wildlife

13. My name is Deborah DeLong, and I am an urban beekeeper and English gardener in Cincinnati, Ohio.  I am also a writer, a management consultant and an attorney, in that order.  Deborah writes recipes and beautifully photographs the finished products every day.

14. Hey there, my name is Rob, and I am a beginning beekeeper/homesteader in south central Virginia.  This blog is intended as a chronicle of my experience diving into the world of beekeeping, gardening, and tending livestock.

15. Hopkins brings humour, imagination and vision to the great challenges of our time, and argues that what is needed, above all else, at this time in history, is “engaged optimism”.

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