Archive for the ‘Cooking with honey’ Category

Here’s a healthy homemade Halloween candy that can double as a cough and sore throat remedy.

Romancing the Bee


Emily Heath, one of my UK beekeeper/blogger friends, mentioned in her recent post about the London Honey Show that she is suffering from a very bad cold.

Another blogger friend, Solarbeez, asked me if I had a honey recipe that could soothe Emily’s symptoms.

Of course I do!!

Here is my recipe for Cough and Sore Throat Soothing Honey Lollipops. They are easy to make and effective and taste wonderful as well.


You will need at least a 1/2 cup to 1 cup of honey, a non stick surface, a candy thermometer and 10-12 sucker sticks. You can also add flavors such as lemon, lavender, or cinnamon if you desire.  A 1/2 tsp. should do the trick.


First lay out your sucker sticks, spaced apart, on your non stick surface. (You can make cough drops by omitting the sticks!)

Pour the honey into a heavy sauce pan and…

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